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The timeless beauty of the “natural look”

The timeless beauty of the “natural look”

  • 01st November 2018
  • Beauty by Carole

Beauty is a fickle business.

At one time, we were all over-plucking our eyebrows to maintain the perfect barely-there brow, and not long after we were buying every product under the sun to get thick, defined and “on fleek” eyebrows. The ideal body used to be tall, slim and toned like Elle Macpherson (she was even called “the body”!), but nowadays many girls are looking up to the curvier Kim Kardashian or Beyonce for their #bodygoals. 

Beauty standards are constantly changing and it can feel hard to keep up with the latest trends. Luckily, advances in cosmetic procedures are happening at an equally rapid pace. But surprisingly, some cosmetic procedures seem to be on the decline. Despite the admiration for the Kim Kardashian look, bottom implants are down 56%, and breast reduction has seen an increase of 11% in the last year. Even Kylie Jenner (who has made considerable amounts of money from her lipstick and make up brand) has announced that she will stop having lip filers and go back to a more natural look. 

The reality is that, for some, the days of drastic changes are over. Fake tans, Baywatch boobs and a trout pout are no longer what all people aspire to have. An increasing number of clients now seek subtly enhanced features that look like they’ve not been anywhere near the surgeon’s knife. This doesn’t mean that you should start growing your monobrow out anytime soon I’m afraid, but it does mean that it is increasingly important to make the right choice when it comes to your beauty treatments, and to find an experienced clinician who can enhance your beauty in a natural way. 

Carole has worked in the medical sector for over 30 years and has delivered over 3,000 aesthetic treatments to create looks ranging from subtle and “natural” to the more volumised and enhanced. The Beauty by Carole clinic is based in Darlington, County Durham, and offers anti-wrinkle injections (Botox®), lip enhancements, dermal fillers, expert Fire and Ice facials and iS Clinical skincare and a range of eyebrow treatments (including microblading).

Whatever your treatment goals, we look forward to working with you to achieve them.

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